The Youth ministry is where kids and young adults experience that God is bigger than imagined. They learn to grow in their walk with God and develop a lasting relationship with him. They also have awesome fun.
The Youth ministry is where kids and young adults experience that God is bigger than imagined. They learn to grow in their walk with God and develop a lasting relationship with him. They also have awesome fun.
In any church of God, the Choir Ministry is very important to God. If you are blessed with talents to sing or play instruments, we will like you to join us. Our practice time is every Saturday at 7pm.
Our group of evangelicals that advocates reforms, Holiness and adherence to believe in Jesus Christ through fervent prayers.
Conversionism: the belief that lives need to be transformed through a “born-again” experience and a life long process of following Jesus
Activism: the expression and demonstration of the gospel in missionary and social reform efforts.
Biblicism: a high regard for and obedience to the Bible as the ultimate authority.
Crucicentrism: a stress on the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross as making possible the redemption of humanity
Our Church is founded on Jesus Christ and His teachings. Our believes and leadership is based on biblical ordinances. We attend bible classes on Wednesdays @8pm. Please join us.
We love our city. One of the few ways we express the love of God to one another is by providing clothing, toiletries and feeding the homeless. We also give monetary arms. If you will like to help with your financial donations towards this efforts, we will love to hear from you. Thanks.